???A good reputation is more
valuable than money.???

International Carrier Services
EZ Mobile wholesale voice services provide global routing solutions and direct bilateral connections with many major PTT???s, Tier-1 carriers and Mobile operators around the world. And to further expand our network and improve voice quality, EZ Mobile is always actively seeking new bilateral partners. It is a cost effective way for your traffic to terminate to the specified destination using EZ Mobile extensive coverage and high quality routes based on quality of services (QOS) and least cost routing (LCR) classes with multiple varying levels to support and achieve quality & price in real-time.
EZ Mobile offers a complete selection of wholesale services for Carriers and Enterprises on our high-performance robust Voice & IP network. Whether you???re VoIP Company or looking to reduce costs of existing telecom services, we have complete product line. Please contact us for a consultation and to get our competitive cost of delivery for A-Z destinations.